Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Emerald Ice - Discreet Snus Review

Let's just start by putting this out there, I'm not a big wintergreen fan.  I've got a can of Klondike Wintergreen in the fridge I've been putting off for a while.   Similarly, I've had a few packets of Discreet Emerald Ice I've been putting off because I THOUGHT it was wintergreen.

I was mistaken.

Despite the green hue, Emerald Ice is not the wintergreen that I've so long avoided!  It's quite different in fact, much more restrained in flavor, bracingly cool in minty mentholic tingle, yet without the sickly wintergreen flavor commonly put into most "Wintergreen" snus.  The flavor is nice, the nicotine is typical of other Discreet portions, not enough there to punch thru and make you feel it, but subtle.

All in all, this Discreet might be the one that finds a spot in the rotation.   I will review and compare the Klondik soon, but this is far and above more preferable to the General Wintergreen I've tried.

Happy Snusin'!


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